Gathering GengBlogger in KOSMO!
8:12 pmGathering GengBlogger in Kosmo today!
Grab your Kosmo and turn to page 37,
Infiniti tamublogger section.
Cool right?

this is my first cheque from ChurpChurp after 4 -5 months.
who's says blogging and twittering can't earn something?
proved already!
Grab your Kosmo and turn to page 37,
Infiniti tamublogger section.
Cool right?

this is my first cheque from ChurpChurp after 4 -5 months.
who's says blogging and twittering can't earn something?
proved already!
waaa !ruginya x dtg .leh masuk paper .hehe .
ReplyDeletehaha.. muka aku takde.. T__T sadis siot..baru igt nk glamer.. wakakaka
ReplyDeletessangat cool
rugi no.6 : takleh masuk KOSMO..uwaaaa
ReplyDeleteazry; sape suh tak dtg hahaha
ReplyDeletefeez; hang balik awal sgt. (aku pon takde dlm paper) hahaha
joe; yeahhh
dahlia; ahahaha no 6? ta paham
ariff; hahhahahaha tau la muka dia paling besar mcm iklan colgate tp takkan la sampai 2 komen sama? hahaha
waaahhh..xdpt beli lg paper ni..takut abisss....muka ku melariskan paper kosmo harini..hehe
ReplyDeletebestla korang...
masuk jugak paper. tapi joe & ariff paling glamer
ReplyDeletecool gila
ReplyDeletetahniah utk cheque tu cik adik ;)
ReplyDeleteaik.. td xad sal churp2..
minta izin amek gmba ni ek...
ReplyDeletechurp churp tu macam mana yunk? explain plshh. xtwu lak dgn twitter pun leh wat duit :P
ReplyDeletewaaaa..GB dh popular..kite pon dh dpt cashout xmo kuar kan ag,nk kumpol smpi 1k..wakakakakakaa
ReplyDeleteaku hangin ni ko dah dapat duit churp2.wahahahaha.aku blum lagi.adoi
ReplyDeletekalau eny kat kajang mmg eny datang :)
ReplyDeleteamboi suka la mask paper. hehe. rugi xpegi kowt. grr. ouh bpe duit dpt. one thousand and bla3. bpe tu. hahahaha :P
ReplyDeletebtw asl ttp chatbox?
ade la sikit en asyraf hoi. chatbox? saja. banyak sgt org takde kote sebuk dtg
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