Backpacking Trip: Canyoneering at Kawasan Falls, Cebu, Philippines (Day 5 & 6)

4:53 am

Hari keempat cuma Cebu City Tour yang tak berapa best seharian tu. So hari kelima saya hentam belasah penat kan diri seharian di Kawasan Falls. Bila orang tanya, why nak spend seharian kat Kawasan Falls? haaaaa sebab saya nak buat Canyoneering!! 

Cop cop Canyoneering tu apa? 

Canyoneering is an outdoor activity that combines route finding, rappelling, problem solving, swimming, and hiking. For Cebu, the canyoneering activity will start at Canlaob river downstream going to Kawasan Falls. Exciting much? Yeahhh baby!

By the way gambar first tu sunrise di San Fernando, on the way to Kawasan Falls. So, sebab stay kat Cebu City, macam biasa pepagi buta tu bangun awal lah. Wokeup at 3:00am, arrived at Cebu South Bus Terminal at 4:20am (by white taxi, Php75/3 = Php15) and then took a Ceres Liner Bus (aircond) at 5:00am. Bato via Barili route, Php147. Boleh bagitahu abang bus tu nak stop at Badian - Kawasan Falls. The landmark is Matutinao Church. It's 3 hours ride okayh?

 So here we go. Canyoneering activity. I didnt know about this till I google bout it and everyone recommended Kuya Albert for canyoneering pakage. Lil bit scared at first because I have phobia with deep water and I dont know how to swim. What if, the incident at Oslob happen again? Haha. Ya, masa swim dengan whale shark tu almost lemas sebab terkejut dengan whale shark yang super besar. LOL. Anyway, Look at the blue color water! Tak ke hilang semua perasaan takut lepas tengok air cantik macam tu???


After 3 hours ride from Cebu to Kawasan Falls. Kuya Albert and team then fetch us at the bus stop, bring us to his house. We get ready, fill in the form and got briefing session. Then we took habal habal to the starting point and started to canyoneering for few hours. I jumped 9 times, and slide for 3 times. Exciting experience and awesome! I really cant believe that I managed to jump from high cliff haha! Oh yeah, the package is Php2000 per pax including rashguards, leggings, aqua shoes, lunch, snacks and water, helmet, life jacket, habal habal to the starting point, a picnic shed in falls area, waterproof dry bags, raft, entrance fees, and tour guide.  If you are interested to do Canyoneering at Kawasan Falls, please do contact Kuya Albert Aspacio +639359254769. Thanks to Roy also for being awesome and helpful tour guide for us. 

Video Canyoneering at Kawasan Falls:

Dah penat terjun apa semua tu, lunch dekat picnic shed. I just request salad with boiled eggs and Sprite. Lepas tu buat aktiviti wajib bergambar atas rakit dekat Kawasan Falls. Untuk balik ke rumah Kuya Albert, kami naik habal-habal Php50. Dia suruh jalan je tapi dah tak larat hoi almost 6 jam dalam air!

Sampai rumah Kuya, tukar baju, mandi, rehat kejap sambil tunggu bas balik. Terbaik tip top lah servis Kuya Albert ni. Korang memang kena ambil package untuk Canyoneering ni tau sebab kang apa-apa jadi susah pulak. semua nak kena ada guide. So balik tu, naik Ceres Liner A/C bus with free wifi, Php147. Dari terminal to hostel pulak naik white cab, Php72/3 = Php24. 

Malam tu semua orang pengsan, saya keluar pergi jumpa kawan baru kenal dari Instagram. Accidentally kenal dia sebab location kat Instagram. Puteri ni dari Singapore, Rome pulak local Filipinos. malam tu Puteri siap tapaukan kebab dari halal restaurant yang jauhhh gila dari tempat saya stay. fuh finally can eat chicken after 5 days weyh! lepas tu lepak Persimmons, massage kejap sejam Php150, then minum-minum apa semua kat 7E, Php27. balik pengsan terus sebab dah lega kena massage. haha!

Esoknya bangun awal pagi jugak lah. breakfast kejap dengan Raed from Dubai, lepak borak-borak. Macam sedih pulak nak say bye bye to Dominic and Dante yang banyak layan kebosanan saya di hostel. Hostel ni memang best gila la. cantik, bersih dan servis memang bagus. Usually when I travel alone, I dont spend much time at my hostel. Balik untuk tidur je. Huhu. Nampak sangat hari-hari lepak ngan bebudak ni. Enam  hari kat sini. Gonna miss u guys. Eh? 

Taxi to airport Php187/3 = Php62, and then kena bayar airport tax pulak Php750. Maka berakhirlah 6D5N di Cebu, Philippines. Dan completed lah ASEAN Trip seorang Neyra Shazeyra. Yeay! 10 countries CHECKED!

paalam pilipinas hanggang sa muli. 


Day 5&6 - Kawasan Falls, Cebu, Philippines

Taxi to terminal: Php75/3 = Php25
Bus to Kawasan Falls: Php147
Canyoneering: Php2000
Habal-habal: Php50
Bus to Cebu: Php147
Taxi to hostel: Php72/3 = Php24
Massage: Php150
7E: Php27
Taxi to airport: Php187/3 = Php62
Airport tax: Php750

Total: RM355.00 + Php975.01 + Php2,311 + Php2,064 + Php515 + Php3,382
Grand Total 6D5N: PRM355.00 + Php9,247.01 (around RM832.23) = RM 1,187.23

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